Thursday, 28 March 2013

Observation of Hyoepstes plant.

I have observed my plant for about 2 weeks and a half. First few days it was outside daily and inside during the night. I noticed that my leaves wetre unhealthy and deteriorating, then i decided to reside it inside on the windowsill, without any direct sun light. It became healthier daily and very stable.

The crown of my plant is growing more rapid compared to the rest of my plant. Three shoots have grown and loads of new leaves has grown. The new leaves that has grown has less white markings than the other.

When I received my plant it had approximately 60 leaves and at present it has over 130 leaves.

My plant's water has turned green and looks like it has decayed due to it's colour. Four flowers has made there appearances with a very light pink colour. It normally grows today and then dies tomorrow.

That is basically the observations that I have made of my plant thus far.

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