My Little Plant
My red speckled leaf hypoestus plant, which I've decided to call Clint, started off with rapid growth after I proceeded to put it in the water. At first I left it on the window ledge where it received midday sun, until the evening. I realised that it didn't seem very "happy" in the sunlight, as the leaves seemed to wilt slightly. I then took it out of the sun and placed it on a table in the living room near to the window. It seemed much happier, new shoots continued to grow and up until now Clint is losing very few leaves. The plant tends to lean towards the window slightly, but as soon as I place it in sunlight, it wilts. I think its bipolar. Also the new leaves that are forming are not as bright as the older leaves which grew while the plant was still in soil, this could be due to a lack of nutrients in the water. So far, there has been no presence of flowers.
I will keep you updated on any new developments.
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